Wellcome to the Gallery

Posted on: April 15th, 2012 by

Home » Wellcome to the Gallery » San Andres

San Andres

Travel to San Andres Island in the Caribbean. Tiny Island part of Colombia 100 of the Nicaraguan Coast.

Home » Wellcome to the Gallery » Bocas del Toro

Bocas del Toro

Bus, boats and what's left of the train between Costa Rica and Panama

Home » Wellcome to the Gallery » Tren Torreón

Tren Torreón

Passengers train in Mexico. One of a few, which are still running.

Home » Wellcome to the Gallery » Costa Rica Trains

Costa Rica Trains

Reactivated trains of the metropolitan area of San Jose

Home » Wellcome to the Gallery » Good old days in Costa Rica

Home » Wellcome to the Gallery » Steam in Cuba
Train station Trinidad
Train station Trinidad
Steam Engine In Trinidad
Steam Engine In Trinidad
Steam Engine Driver
Steam Engine Driver
Steam Engine in Trinidad
Steam Engine in Trinidad
Train Crossing
Train Crossing
in Santa Clara
Train Station Santa Clara
Train Station Santa Clara
Train Station Santa Clara
Train Station Santa Clara
Train Station Square Santa Clara
Train Station Square Santa Clara

Home » Wellcome to the Gallery » Costa Rica & Nicaragua

Costa Rica & Nicaragua

Impressions of a travel between Nicaraga and Costa Rica

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